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Iew Student Writing Intensive Continuation Level B Videos Youtube

"FREE Shipping on All IEW Products!"

"Plug & Play Writing Program is HERE!"


Are you afraid to teach your elementary student how to write?
Are you unsure how to make writing simple enough for 7 to 9 year olds to be successful?
Still wondering how to even get started in teaching writing?



The Student Writing Intensive is a ten-hour (4-day) seminar for the student. That's right, it's for your student to watch and follow Andrew's instructions. Your student will learn how to write from keyword outlines, how to outline their writings according to their assignment and how to improve their writing style…all at their own age level.

What's even better is you can let your student watch these 4 DVDs while you work with other siblings or students. Once they finish watching their assignment, you can check to be sure they understand what direction they are headed. Leave the teaching to Andrew Pudewa, author of Teaching Writing: Structure & Style. He's used this approach for years and taught thousands of students how to improve their writing.

For teachers and home educators, this course provides a model for teaching writing in a classroom. It can be used to introduce the new concepts to your students followed by writing practice.

New! Now the Student Writing Intensive includes a Structure and Style Overview DVD and also comes with daily lesson suggestions. Written by Jill Pike, these lessons suggest what portion of the disc to watch followed by several practice assignments to help the material stick.

Available on 4 DVDs, this package includes the student materials necessary to complete several assignments. Includes student binder with tabs for organizing.  To choose the group appropriate for your student's grade level.

I'm sure you hear this all the time – my daughter, who is 8 years old, started the Student Writing Intensive about a year and a half ago.  At that time she would tearfully struggle through her writing lessons and really disparage her own work.  During the first couple lessons, a light bulb went on as she began to understand how to apply the process of outlining and adding dress-ups. Because of IEW, she is not only excelling in writing but loving the process of it as well.

Thank You Thank You Thank You! – Kelly P

Student Writing Intensive Chart IEW Excellence in Writing Andrew Pudewa - SWI A

WHY I LIKE Student Writing Intensive A:

Writing skills & techniques are made so simple even a 7 year old can understand how to create a well-written paragraph. When my 7 year old was learning how to write, I used this program and he wrote his own book, The ABC Jungle Book.

I continue to be grateful for the excellent advice you gave me last summer. My oldest son struggles with written language (reading comprehension, writing, spelling, note-taking) and he recently asked me if his writing had improved this year. I could honestly say that it had improved dramatically, and he was thrilled!~Judy

10 Reasons Why I Like Student Writing Intensive A:

  • Plug & Play – You can let your children watch Andrew Pudewa teach each lesson and then make their assignment. All you will need to do is guide their writing process after watching the DVD lesson.
  • Stand-Alone Program – Boost your kids' writing ability with this single program.
  • Syllabus Included – Syllabus included in this package adds valuable additional assignments and suggestions to keep your student motivated and progressing through 12 weeks of practical work with the Student Writing Intensive
  • Spend Time on HOW to Write – Most writing programs spend most of their time brainstorming topics (what to write about) & precious little time on how to write well. IEW does just the opposite. This IEW program will teach your children HOW to write well. Best writing I've used or seen since 1999.
  • Step by Step Instruction with Goals – Save yourself time planning & implementing these lessons. Everything is done for you in All Things Fun & Fascinating. Each lesson has goals and step-by-step instructions, so you know what is expected of you and your child.
  • Teaches A Variety of Writing Style & Structures – Your child will learn how to write simple paragraphs, stories, from a single references or multiple references, poetry, and more.
  • Grades 3-5 – Even a 7 year old can learn to write well with this program.
  • Stylistic Charts & Helps – I love these charts because you can use them when your student needs help brainstorming new quality adjectives or strong verbs.
  • Stories Written in Your Book – The stories are right here in the book for you. You do NOT have to spend time searching for each story and/or making it appropriate for the age of your child.
  • FREE Shipping – Did I mention we offer FREE shipping on all IEW products? That's right! You do NOT pay shipping. It's on us.

An updated video showing Level B, but the same concepts apply to the current level A.


Generally, I recommend using Teaching Writing Structure & Style (TWSS) with Student Writing Intensive (SWI) to help moms/teachers be better teachers of writing as your students work through SWI.

You can use Student Writing Intensive (SWI) alone, but your child will have a better experience if you use TWSS alongside SWI. Here are the major differences.

1. TWSS teaches moms/teachers how to TEACH writing
2. SWI teaches students how to be better writers.


100% Money Back Guarantee…for Life. I may request a refund of the purchase price, as long as the product is in re-saleable, like new condition.


To save $29, buy the Value Package which includes Teaching Writing Structure & Style + Student Writing Intensive A. Click here to get the Value Package A


"Student Writing Intensive A"

YES! I want to save time and teach my kids to write well, using IEW's Student Writing Intensive A for $109 with free shipping.
I will receive:

  • Student Writing Intensive A Notebook
  • Student Writing Intensive A – 4 DVDs
  • Student Writing Intensive A packet
  • Structure & Style Overview DVD
  • Stylistic Charts & Helps inside the manual
  • How to Teach Writing Mini Course (through email)
  • FREE Shipping!

I UNDERSTAND… that Student Writing Intensive A comes with a 100% money back guarantee. I may request a refund of the purchase price, as long as the product is in re-saleable, like new condition.

We do not know when we will receive new books from IEW.

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